Thursday, November 13, 2014

Filter Jamz

 Original Image


Spin Blur


Blank Image Filter

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Project #2 Concepts

1. Puzzle pieces - Puzzle pieces were one of the first ideas I had when I thought of the word "connecting." The pieces themselves form together to make various connections.

2. Constellation maps/space/stars - Constellations appear sort of like connect the dots and I like the idea of creating images and designing them to look like constellations and "space-like."

3. Family/relationships - The idea of connect made me immediately think of relationships, more specifically family relationships.

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Old Artwork!

Art 117 

Art 363A

Art 207A

Art 207A

Art 363A

Art 117

Art 255

Cezanne master painting